The Extreme Closeup

 The Extreme Closeup Shot

This is similar to the closeup but tends to focus on a particular aspect of the face often this is the eyes. Sometimes the image can be distorted to create an effect.


Length of shot
Can be long a short. If it must be long then break the action by cutting to another clip and then back again. This is a very intense shot so it needs to be very short.



The talent 

How to Film it

When used on the face this shot is useful for some intense emotion, In these shots it is best not to use the zoom. A telephoto lens is great here because of the shallow depth of focus and the ability of the camera to be some way from the face of the talent. Putting the camera in the face of the Talent is usually off putting to them and destroys the emotion you are trying to capture.


The extreme closeup is all about emotion. Capturing the tear, the smile or some object really close up. Just how close up you can go depends on the camera and you want to portray.

A closeup doesn't show the action

But the extreme closeup does.


Lets try an opening the door video.

Normal shot Walking up to the door

Extreme closeup Hand on the bell or door knocker.

Normal. Someone in the house getting up

Extreme closeup Hand on the door handle and opening.

Normal Reveal the person. in the Doorway

Extreme closeup Smile on face of homeowner.


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